Do you know what the difference is between you and me? The left brainimage is me, the right brainimage is you. Your brains are blue and yellow, mine is red and green.

Since this week it’s official; I have ADD. That’s ADHD without the hyperactivity. My hyperactivity is internal and not external like with ADHD.

Hence the red color.

For those who don’t know what ADD is. It stands for Attention Deficit Disorder. Commonly known “easily distracted”. Something teachers would write on my rapport cards a little too often.

ADD is hereditary meaning both my mother and my father have it. And there is a big chance my son will have to endure it as well. Luckily for him he has a father to guide him.

ADD is a present wrapped as distraction. Yes. It is a present. Because of it I can make connections between unrelated things really fast, am very creative but the downside is that I’m very easily distracted. I don’t struggle with the external hyperactivity that ADHD people have. From the outside I may look calm and composed but my mind is always on. 150.000 thoughts per second. Very hard to keep track of every single one at the same time. Jumping from idea to idea. Multithreaded and in parallel. It’s like hearing music in my mind, sometimes multiple tracks at the same time, some louder, some softer. The funny thing I don’t get tired of it, for me this is the norm. I can make sense of this chaos and distinguish between it.

But what does this have to do with this blog? Here I’ll share the things I’ve learned in the past and am currently learning. Hoping others will gain from it.